Easy Environments: Oak Woods View

Easy Environments: Oak Woods View Tips & Info

Performance: Hiding the “EEOW Vegetation” Group will hide all the ground vegetation at once and improve the Viewport performance. If your system struggles with performance, I recommend doing this while setting up your scene, and then unhide it for rendering.

3Delight Trees Subdivisions: The trees on the 3Delight version load with the trees at “base resolution” (no subdivisions). This is due to a Daz Studio bug I encountered, which removes all shadows when instancing subdivided models. So it was a decision between having trees either cast shadows or have subdivisions. I think not using subdivisions has surprisingly little negative impact, but you can of course select the two source trees and switch them to high resolution.

Iray HDRIs: Just to mention it, I switched from .exr (which all previous sets used) to .hdr format for this set.